Catalytic Education:
“Building the Spiritual Core in Times of Trauma.”
“Catalytic Education: Building the Spiritual Core in Times of Trauma.”
The National Council for Spirituality in Education, in partnership with the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education and the Spirituality Mind Body Intensive, hosted a conversation series in the summer and fall of 2020 called “Catalytic Education: Building the Spiritual Core in Times of Trauma.” Each virtual conversation followed the same format: a short presentation by a renowned speaker or small panel; a brief question and answer session; and breakout sessions where participants discussed the topic and ways to shift educational philosophies and pedagogies. We recorded the speaker presentations and share those videos here, with Ivan Hageman, Founder of The East Harlem School, who spoke on “Nurturing the Spirit in Your School;” with Dr. Lisa Miller, founder and president of the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education, in dialogue with two of CSE’s partners: Rev. Julian Bull, head of Campbell Hall, and Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, head of the Sacred Heart Schools Conference in the U.S. and Canada, who spoke about “Starting the Year Anew;” and Dr. Jack Miller, professor at the University of Toronto, who spoke about “Love and Compassion: Their Role in Education.”
“Catalytic Education: Building the Spiritual Core in Times of Trauma.”
The National Council for Spirituality in Education, in partnership with the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education and the Spirituality Mind Body Intensive, hosted a conversation series in the summer and fall of 2020 called “Catalytic Education: Building the Spiritual Core in Times of Trauma.” Each virtual conversation followed the same format: a short presentation by a renowned speaker or small panel; a brief question and answer session; and breakout sessions where participants discussed the topic and ways to shift educational philosophies and pedagogies. We recorded the speaker presentations and share those videos here, with Ivan Hageman, Founder of The East Harlem School, who spoke on “Nurturing the Spirit in Your School;” with Dr. Lisa Miller, founder and president of the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education, in dialogue with two of CSE’s partners: Rev. Julian Bull, head of Campbell Hall, and Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, head of the Sacred Heart Schools Conference in the U.S. and Canada, who spoke about “Starting the Year Anew;” and Dr. Jack Miller, professor at the University of Toronto, who spoke about “Love and Compassion: Their Role in Education.”
Love and Compassion:
Their Role in Education
with Dr. Jack Miller:
Starting the Year Anew:
With Dr. Lisa Miller, Rev. Julian Bull,
Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ
Nurturing the Spirit
in Your School:
With Ivan Hageman.
1. Love and Compassion:
Their Role in Education with
Dr. Jack Miller:
2. Starting the Year Anew:
With Dr Lisa Miller, Rev. Julian Bull,
and Suzanne Cooke RSCJ,
3. Nurturing the Spirit in Your School