Effort and Freedom

Effort and Freedom

Effort and Freedom

 A Conversation with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

In Effort & Freedom, Sam speaks with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. They discuss Tenzin’s years-long retreat in a remote Indian cave; her studies with the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche; the role of pointing-out instructions in spiritual development; the significance of one’s first glimpse into emptiness; pursuing realization without grasping for it; effortlessness in practice; Douglas Harding; stabilizing experiences of awakening; the advantage of eyes-open meditation; the ineffability of non-dual insight; the unethical behavior of certain great teachers; the improving status of monastic women; differences between Western-born and Himalayan nuns; and other topics…

Generosity, Cynicism, and the Future of Doing Good

Generosity, Cynicism, and the Future of Doing Good

Generosity, Cynicism, and the Future of Doing Good (Episode 349)

A Conversation with Chris Anderson

Sam Harris speaks with Chris Anderson about generosity in the age of the Internet. They talk about the new spirit of cynicism in tech and finance, the problems with DEI, the Coleman Hughes controversy at TED, the norm of color blindness, the science of generosity, the leverage of the Internet, the false opposition between selfishness and selflessness, mixed motives in giving, results vs reward, the importance of intentions, looking for the good in people, digital business models, the economics of TED, TEDx, wealth inequality, the ethics of billionaires, philanthropy at scale, the power of pledges, the arguments of Peter Singer, the Sam Bankman-Fried scandal, problems with Effective Altruism, how to improve our digital lives, and other topics.

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Finding Sanity 2024

Finding Sanity 2024

Finding Sanity in 2024

Making Sense Podcast with Sam Harris

Powerful words of inspiration and meditative tools to help navigate towards the experience of love, compassion and gratitude as we embark on a new journey around the sun.